Pregnancy and Post Natal training is for those who want to work with women during pregnancy through to post-birth. This training is open to Mizan Practitioners as well as other therapists who have experience of hands-on work. Dates can be found here.

Pregnancy and birth
- A look at the signs and symptoms of a tilted womb during pregnancy
- Detailed instructions of massage for each trimester
- How and when to do a diaphragmatic release
- How and when to do a side lying release
- How to help various baby positions
- What you can do at a birth

Post natal
- Post natal massage after vaginal birth
- Post natal massage following a caesarean section
- Traditional care of the mother following birth
- Mother warming
- Sacred wrapping
Book Mizan Courses and Workshops
Approved Mizan workshops and courses are listed here. We have no control over the content or quality of unapproved workshops, and they will not count as the pre-requisite for practitioner training. If you are unsure, please email for clarification.
Please note: All times will be displayed in your local time zone.